Friday, March 16, 2012

Weather Pattern Still In Holding Pattern

Clouds still hanging in tight along with breezy south winds that continue to channel humidity into North Texas.? The biggest impact has been to our morning temps as they run 15-20 degrees above normal.? The cloud cover and moisture in the air has meant the mercury climbs very little during the afternoon.? When we typically have about a 20 degree difference between the high and low, we are running closer to 10 degrees.? The difference yesterday was only 9 degrees.

We continue to carry small rain chances because the atmosphere is unstable.? However, the upper level impulses that continue to move over North Texas are weak at best and show little promise to produce rain other than 10-20 percent chances.? This pattern will continue through Sunday.

The large upper level storm system currently on the west coast is still forecast to move inland between now and the weekend.? As it does so, winds across North Texas will pick up as warm, moist air feeds into the storm system.? It is still set to develop rain Monday through early Wednesday.? The timing may initiate rain starting after midnight Sunday.? The morning commute on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday next week could be eventful?especially Tuesday and Wednesday?with heavy rainfall and isolated severe storms.


Morning clouds, mostly cloudy afternoon.? Morning lows in the mid to upper 60s.? Highs in the upper 70s with south winds at 10-20 mph.? Spot showers or storms possible with chances only 10-20 percent.


Morning light showers, drizzle and fog with temps in the upper 60s.? Remaining cloudy through the day with scattered showers and storms especially west.? Highs in the upper 70s.? Rain chance 60 percent.


Periods of showers and storms from morning through the evening hours with locally heavy rainfall possible.? Some storms by afternoon and evening could become severe with wind damage being the main issue.? Steady temps between 65-70 degrees from morning low to afternoon high.


Morning showers and storms then becoming partly cloudy by mid to late afternoon.? Rain chance 50 percent.? Highs in the upper 60s.


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