Monday, April 9, 2012

Economics essay contest deadline is April 23 ? YSU News Center ...

April 8, 2012??|??

The deadline for submissions is Monday, April 23, for the fourth annual Stocks Essay Contest, sponsored by the Economics Department at Youngstown State University.

The essay is named after Anthony Stocks, who served 16 years as chair of the Economics Department at YSU.

Participants must be undergraduate students at YSU. Submissions should be 1,500 to 2,500 words on any economic topic relevant to society. The essay should have a clearly defined policy issue which the author analyzes from all sides, and a suggested policy solution based on the arguments presented.

Ten finalists will be invited to the department?s year-end dinner gala on Tuesday, May 1, where the winners will be announced. This year?s prizes are: 1st Place, $250; 2nd Place, $150; 3rd Place, $100.

Submissions should be emailed to Nancy O?Hara at For more information visit In addition to the official contest poster, the website has links to writing resources and previous winning essays.

The YSU News Center maintains the official news of Youngstown State University.

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