Sunday, March 31, 2013

What role do small dams play in pollution control?

Mar. 28, 2013 ? Sometimes, little things can add up to a lot. In short, that's the message of a research study on small dams, streams and pollution by Steve Powers, a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Notre Dame's Environmental Change Initiative (ECI).

"Small dams, reservoirs and ponds trap water pollution, which provides an important benefit to water resources," Powers said. "This is especially relevant in agricultural lands of the Midwest U.S., where there are lots of small, but aging dams."

Although small individually, the sum total of the small reservoirs and ponds have a global surface area comparable to that of all large reservoirs added together.

Powers and his fellow researchers showed in detail how a small aging dam, which was more than 100 years old and located in agricultural Wisconsin, trapped water pollutants associated with fertilizer and manure runoff. They also showed an increase in downstream transport of nutrient pollution after the dam was removed, which occurred because of concerns about the dam's safety.

"Many small dams are threatened by long-term structural decline and are also filling with sediment," Powers said. "If we don't better incorporate how small dams affect the movement of water and wastes through the environment, their benefit to downstream water quality could be lost. Meanwhile, legacy sediment and pollution currently trapped behind dams could release as dams lose their water storage capacity, fall apart, or are removed deliberately."

Powers notes that there is a crucial need to gain a better understanding of what small dams mean for our water quality before they crumble and disappear.

"I am continuing to work on the subject at a broader regional scale by looking at hundreds of stream and river monitoring stations throughout the Midwestern U.S. to detect signals of dams," he said. "One current goal is to try and figure out which regions are most vulnerable to water quality changes caused by accumulation of sediment and phosphorus behind dams."

The research paper appeared in the Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences.

Powers is conducting his research as part of the Notre Dame Environmental Change Initiative's Land Use Project. The Environmental Change Initiative conducts policy-oriented research designed to help policy-makers manage environmental changes.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Notre Dame.

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Journal Reference:

  1. S. M. Powers, J. P. Julian, M. W. Doyle, E. H. Stanley. Retention and transport of nutrients in a mature agricultural impoundment. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 2013; DOI: 10.1029/2012JG002148

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Must-win matches? Maybe

There are no must-wins four weeks into an eight-month season, but since that?s the language that gets thrown around, we?ll roll with it. Yes, anybody can recover from a winless month, but since nobody wants to go into April with a ?0? in the win column, a sense of urgency is understandable.

One team is already guaranteed a winless month, with Chicago getting the weekend off after a 0-3-1 start. As a result, rumblings are beginning to sound around Frank Klopas, the man at the helm of a team expected to compete for the playoffs. If the Fire can?t get things turned around in April, Steve?s words may prove prescient: ?Klopas cannot possibly survive much more of what we?ve seen around Toyota Park.?

It?s important to note Klopas?s potential peril is the result of expectations ? goals which feed into the early angst. But not every team expected 2013 to be a winning one. Of the league?s four active winless sides, only two expected to be contenders this season, and while the situation in Portland is unique because of the hype around Caleb Porter, the Timbers? Saturday opponents had few expectations of playoff soccer.

With that context, here?s how we rate the severity of today?s must-win scenarios, in terms of need:

1 ? New York Red Bulls: Really need to break through

New York?s at home, against a team they should beat, and haven?t been that bad this season. Their two losses were on one-goal defeats at Montr?al and San Jose, and you could argue the Red Bulls could have won their draws against Portland and D.C. United. Yes, their failure to get wins is more important than their proximity to them, but their underlying form matters when judging how the team?s actually played.

If they carry that form into today?s game in Harrison, New York shouldn?t have much of a problem against Philadelphia (3:30 p.m. Eastern on NBCSN). If they do, new management could start asking questions. Mike Petke?s unlikely to feel much heat, but some of the players ? particularly the ones held over from the previous regime ? could be put under the microscope.

2 ? Portland Timbers: First doubts could surface

The Timbers have looked good this year. They played the perfect Montr?al Impact as well as anybody. They got a point in Seattle, and they overcame Mikael Silvestre?s early hiccups to get a first kick point from New York.

But Saturday at Colorado is a no excuses scenario. If The Caleb Porter Project is worth the hype, Portland wins in Commerce City.

Portland has never done well at DSG (outscored 9-1 in three visits), and the team has only three road wins in franchise history, but if they can?t get three points at Colorado, it will be worth considering if they?ve made any progress under Porter.

3 ? Seattle Sounders: Need a stronger performance

If Seattle loses at Real Salt Lake, the organization isn?t going to panic; however, if the team looks as bad as they did last week in San Jose, growing fan could star consolidating their growing worries about Sigi Schmid.

The most concerning part about Seattle isn?t their lack of wins. It?s their lack of quality. They have one goal this year, a score that was more Steve Zakuani?s individual effort (to set up Eddie Johnson against Portland) then anything systemic.

If Seattle goes four games without showing signs of attacking life, the team should be concerned. They have too much talent to be taking these kinds of steps backward.

Right now, it looks like something?s wrong. At some point, you have enough information to act.

4 ? Colorado Rapids: The bar?s pretty low

Conor Casey, Jeff Larentowicz, and Omar Cummings were shipped out this winter. Edson Buddle?s injured, as is Matt Pickens. Mart?n Rivero has yet to play this season.

Of course Colorado?s going to be concerned if they lose at home to Portland. Any team would be, but there weren?t big expectations coming into the year. Colorado need to take a longer view of the season, one which precludes any must-win scenarios five rounds into the campaign.


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Saturday, March 30, 2013

Q&A: Europe's freezing Easter and global warming

STOCKHOLM (AP) ? Is it Easter or Christmas? Many Europeans would be forgiven for being confused by winter's icy grip on lands that should be thawing in springtime temperatures by now.

Britain is on track for the coldest March since 1962, according to national weather service the Met Office, which also says daily low temperatures in London are going to remain below freezing through the Easter holiday. The mean temperature in Britain from March 1-26 was 2.5 C (36.5 F) ? three degrees below the long-term average.

In Berlin, Good Friday saw a new round of snowfall and temperatures just above freezing. The city's popular lakeside beach opened for the season as planned, though it wasn't exactly beach weather. Some visitors built a snowman and few ventured into the freezing water.


What's going on?

As always when you talk about weather, natural variability is a big factor. But an increasing body of research suggests that cold spells like the one that has lingered in northern and central Europe for much of March could become more common as a result of global warming melting the Arctic ice cap.

Q: Why is it so cold in much of Europe right now?

A: Normally, European winters are kept relatively mild by wet, westerly winds from the Atlantic. But in March, the wind has been blowing mostly from the northeast, bringing freezing Arctic air down over much of Europe.

Q: So why are the winds coming from the northeast?

A: The winds are driven by atmospheric circulation patterns which in turn are affected by differences in air pressure between northern and southern latitudes. For much of March this circulation has been in a negative state, meaning the pressure difference is small. That weakens the westerly Atlantic winds and paves the way for cold air to sweep down over Europe from the Arctic and Siberia.

Q: What does that have to do with Arctic sea ice?

A: Global warming is melting the ice cap over the Arctic Ocean. Last September, it reached its lowest extent on record. Climate models show that the loss of sea ice ? which acts as a lid on the ocean, preventing it from giving off heat ? triggers feedback mechanisms that shake up the climate system further. A series of studies in recent years have shown that one such effect could be changes in atmospheric circulation, resulting in more frequent cold snaps in Europe.

Q: How would melting Arctic ice lead to cold snaps?

A: The theory is the loss of sea ice means more heat is released from the open ocean, warming the layer of polar air over the water. That reduces the temperature and air pressure differentials with more southern latitudes, increasing the likelihood of a negative state in the atmospheric circulation. Experts stress that winter weather is affected by many other factors, but several studies have shown the Arctic melt loads the dice in favor of colder and snowier winters in Europe. One study by scientists at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research in Germany showed European cold snaps could become three times more likely because of shrinking sea ice.

Q: What's the impact on the jet stream?

A: Some studies suggest that the shrinking sea ice also shifts the polar jet stream, a high-altitude air current that flows from west to east. Bigger waves in the meandering jet stream allow frigid air to spill southward from the Arctic, they say. Other climate experts are uncertain about this effect, saying more research is needed.


Associated Press writer Geir Moulson in Berlin contributed to this story.


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Need new employees? - Business Management Daily

by Jessica Miller-Merrell

woman holding hired signThe economy is like a pendulum, and when it starts to swing back toward prosperity?as it appears it has started to do?your organization might miss some of those talented employees you had to let go during the recession.

Why not hire them back? You can source, hire and train new employees, but there?s something lost?something more than productivity?when you let a long-time staff member go. It?s the experience, insight and industry knowledge that walked out with every pink slip you issued.

Adding to your troubles, talented people who survived the layoffs and stuck by your side through rough times may now be recruiting targets for other companies that are in the same boat as you.

So you need to add talent. Solution: Hire some former employees.

The boomerang boost

First thing to do: Create an employee rehire policy. Keep it simple. Start by determining why an employee left the organization. Ask if the person?s former manager would consider rehiring him or her. Tip: Build this question into the exit process for every employee so it will be easy to find qualified rehire candidates in the future.

Rehires, often referred to as a boomerang employees, may come back to your organization in the same or a different role. The great benefit to the organization: They already understand its culture, know what is expected and are familiar with the work environment.

Don?t limit your consideration of rehires to employees let go in a layoff.?Other candidates are those who left for what seemed like greener pastures or people who retired and then realized they weren?t quite ready for that.

Coach?s call-back

Inviting them back could immediately boost your company?s productivity and talent. I call this the Coach Snyder Effect.

Bill Snyder became head football coach of the Kansas State Wildcats in 1989. What Snyder did for the Wildcats is nothing short of legendary, and his list of awards and accomplishments through the years are amazing. But in 2005, Snyder retired and Kansas State tried to move on.

It didn?t. In fact,?the team took a nosedive. Soon, calls for Snyder to return from retirement started churning. And in 2009, the popular coach returned to the sidelines?a rare return in college football. Kansas State football has made a quick return to glory. Not a shabby performance for any coach, let alone for one who had already retired.

Former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz has a similar story. He returned to lead the coffee chain in early 2008 when it was struggling. Upon his return, he made tough management calls that resulted in store closures, layoffs and menu changes. This boomerang made an impact, as Starbucks sales have continued to soar since his return.

Another successful boomerang is Jay Leno, who retired as host of ?The Tonight Show? in 2009, making room for replacement Conan O?Brien. But ratings suffered, and Leno reclaimed his old position to positive reviews a year later.

Stay in touch with alums

Should you bring back your organization?s lost employees? Before you start sifting through past-employee files:

  • Establish a line of communication. Keep in touch with your organization?s ?alumni.??Consider setting up a LinkedIn alumni network or publishing an e-newsletter that goes out periodically to former employees.
  • Demonstrate value. Offer something of value to your alumni community to engage former employees and to spark a conversation between them and their former managers. Examples: a free r?sum?-writing class or webinar.
  • Build a rehire database. Like a talent pipeline within your organization, your rehire database can include ratings, information and insights from previous managers. Build a ?most-wanted? list and target your ?must hires.?


Jessica Miller-Merrell is an Internet television host, author, speaker and HR professional who specializes in recruiting, training and social media. She manages the HR blog ?Blogging4Jobs? and is author of Tweet This! Twitter for Business. Her company, Xceptional HR, is located in Moore, Okla. Contact her at (405) 293-2564.

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Gods and Beasts

Denise Mina's latest spins a web of Glasgow connections and corruption.

March 29, 2013

Gods and Beasts By Denise Mina Little, Brown 311 pp.


Reviewed by Anna Mundow for Barnes & Noble Review

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The Scottish writer Denise Mina may be regarded as a crime novelist, but that has never been the whole story. From her first novel, "Garnethill," to her latest, Gods and Beasts, Mina has resisted neat classification. Her fiction, set mainly in Glasgow, is too subtle to be "tartan noir." Her protagonists are often female, but they are too complicated to be heroine sleuths, too difficult to pin down. Paddy Meehan, for example, who first appeared as a watchful girl in "Garnethill," became the prime investigator in "Field of Blood." Now Meehan, an established journalist, is barely glimpsed in "Gods and Beasts," while Detective Sergeant Alex Morrow, familiar from "The End of the Wasp Season," is Mina's chief character.

More confident these days in her hard-won authority, Morrow is as shrewd as ever, whether she is studying a suspect or a fellow cop. "It felt strange to have that double perspective," she reflects as she listens to an anxious, perhaps guilty, colleague, "to have to calculate the gulf between what was said and what was meant" (a Jamesian observation that also sums up what Mina does so well).

"Gods and Beasts" opens, however, in a straightforward way with a crime, or rather its aftermath. A young man sits on a curb, in shock, cradling a toddler, "koala-clamped to his chest," strangers welded together by casual violence. During the armed robbery of a post office, the child's grandfather has been shot to death. Martin Pavel, a bystander, is left holding the boy and replaying the bloody image: "automatic fire, red explosions on the old man's back, the tilt of his torso, the greasy slide."

What follows is equally impressionistic, a series of images ricocheting off a stunned consciousness. Martin registers a paramedic kneeling before him, the hospital where he and the child are "[p]ushed in a canvas wheelchair, through the A&E waiting room, not very clean, not very nice." Then a cubicle: "Time passed. Clocks ticked and trolleys rolled. Nurses shoes squeaked by beyond the curtain." And soon the departure of the boy with his distraught mother, followed by the arrival of DS Alex Morrow and DC Harris, whose questions tether and calm Martin's unruly recollections.

It is gradually apparent that the shooting was coincidental but not random ? the gunman and the grandfather seemed to recognize each other ? and that Martin himself is a conundrum. An American who sounds Scottish, is well educated, tattooed, and a compulsive runner, Martin is familiar with guns, gifted with accents, and haunted by details ? all of which makes him an invaluable yet oddly suspect witness. He is also a stray exotic on the harsh, treacherously shifting terrain that Mina so masterfully depicts.


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Friday, March 29, 2013

Republicans Blast Don Young, Demand an Apology

Alaska Congressman Don Young's use of racial slurs in reference to Latinos prompted a strong backlash from his fellow Republican Party members today as both House and Senate leaders demanded an apology from Young.

Young used the derogatory term "wetbacks" to refer to Latino workers on his father's ranch in an interview Thursday. His comments came only a few weeks after the Republican National Committee released a party "autopsy" report on the presidential election that outlined revitalization strategies, which included prioritizing Hispanic voter outreach.

Sen. John Cornyn of Texas was the first to condemn the congressman's words:

"Migrant workers come to America looking for opportunity and a way to provide a better life for their families. They do not come to this country to hear ethnic slurs and derogatory language from elected officials. The comments used by Rep. Young do nothing to elevate our party, political discourse or the millions who come here looking for economic opportunity," Cornyn said in a statement.

House Speaker John Boehner followed quickly with a statement of his own:

"Congressman Young's remarks were offensive and beneath the dignity of the office he holds. I don't care why he said it - there's no excuse and it warrants an immediate apology."

Representative Joaquin Castro tweeted the following:

"@ castro4congress: Congressman Young, your words are disgusting." @ repdonyoung

- Joaquin Castro(@JoaquinCastrotx) March 29, 2013

Sen. John McCain also responded online:

Don Young's comments were offensive and have no place in our Party or in our nation's discourse. He should apologize immediately

- John McCain (@SenJohnMcCain) March 29, 2013

RNC Chair, Reince Priebus released this statement:

"The words used by Representative Young emphatically do not represent the beliefs of the Republican Party. As I have continued to say, everyone in this country deserves to be treated with dignity and respect. Our party represents freedom and opportunity for every American and a beacon of hope to those seeking liberty throughout the world. Offensive language and ethnic slurs have no place in our public discourse."

Top House Democrat Nancy Pelosi called for an apology from the congressman.

Congressman Young should fully apologize for deeply offensive comments that were not appropriate in his youth or now.

- Nancy Pelosi (@NancyPelosi) March 29, 2013

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Google Maps Beefs Up Its Live Transit Information With Updates For NYC, DC And Salt Lake City

8554816024_1596687b79_zOne of the things that’s frustrating about Apple’s Maps is that you don’t get the integrated transit information that’s the lifeblood of living in a place like New York City or San Francisco. Google Maps has always had that information integrated into the product, which is a huge help for people who live in those metropolitan areas. The difficulty for Google is to keep up with all of the transit options, especially when it comes to live information. Today, it announced updates for NYC, D.C. and Salt Lake City, which will show you live departure times for seven lines on the NYC Subway system (MTA) and buses, subway in D.C. (Metrorail) and trams in Salt Lake City (UTA). There are more than 800 cities with transit information available in Google Maps, but these three cities are getting more attention, since they have the most riders. Google Maps has been a massive success since launching on iOS last December, and transit information is a huge advantage. Here’s what Soufi Esmaeilzadeh, partnership development manager for Google Maps, had to say about the update: With transit information in Google Maps you get pick-up locations, departure times, estimated travel time, and even fare amounts for 800 cities* across more than 25 countries around the world ? that?s information for 100 million miles of daily public transit trips at your fingertips. These are clearly not easy problems to solve, since most of the information relies on the transit lines themselves reporting information in real time in a way that Google can access it. Those are relationships that the company has built over the years, which allows it to seamlessly integrate the data into its offerings. As I mentioned, this was the one thing that immediately turned me off of Apple Maps. Having to rely on third-party applications that are kind of woven into Apple’s service just didn’t cut it for me. When you are waiting to get on a bus or train, you need that information quickly. Seeing delays, for example, in real time, can help you decide on whether to taxi and give you enough of a heads up to let someone know that you’re going to be late. There’s nothing worse than standing there waiting for a train and having no idea when it’s coming. Google is actively seeking more transit partners, and has an entire site dedicated to it in which they


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Thursday, March 28, 2013

Facebook goes red for same-sex marriage ? even for Senator Warner

Countless people changed their Facebook profile picture to a red equals sign in a show of support for the same-sex marriage cases before the Supreme Court today and tomorrow.

By Associated Press / March 26, 2013

Senator Warner joined Facebook users across the country in adopting the pink and red adaptation of the Human Rights Commission's iconic equality symbol as his profile picture today in a statement of support for same-sex marriage, currently being debated by the Supreme Court.

Screenshot from Sen. Mark Warner's Facebook profile


Like millions of others, U.S. Sen. Mark Warner changed his Facebook profile picture to a red equals sign today, announcing his support for the same-sex marriage cases being argued before the Supreme Court today and tomorrow. Senator Warner, a Virginia Democrat who describes himself as a centrist, announced yesterday on Facebook that he now supports same-sex marriage.

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On Facebook, Warner wrote that he supports marriage equality "because it is the fair and right thing to do."

Same-sex marriage is a top priority for the Human Rights Campaign, the nonprofit organization whose iconic symbol of a yellow equals sign against a blue background turned red and pink today to emphasize the love behind every same-sex (or opposite-sex) marriage.

Warner's disclosure marks an evolution of his opinion on same-sex marriage. He had previously supported civil unions for same-sex couples, and was the first governor to ban discrimination in hiring and workplace protection for gay state employees.

In 2010, he backed ending the Pentagon's "don't ask, don't tell" policy toward gays in the military.


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VW finance arm pushes to go paperless - Automotive News

Gabe Nelson
Automotive News -- March 27, 2013 - 12:01 am ET

Dahlheim: No ink signatures ?after 2014.?

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VW Credit Inc., Volkswagen Group of America's captive finance company, wants its dealers to file consumer loan applications and submit signed agreements electronically, down to the last piece of paper.

The lender, which has grown in recent years as Volkswagen and Audi sales have risen in the United States, will spend $30 million on information technology improvements over the next two years, CFO Christian Dahlheim said during an interview. One goal is to digitize every form that goes to VW Credit, starting this year for some dealers.

With the investment, VW Credit is joining the ranks of other captive finance companies -- including BMW Financial Services, Mercedes-Benz Financial Services and Ford Motor Credit Co. -- that envision car buyers signing their contracts on iPad tablet computers, no ink required. Fans of the technology say it will make the F&I process speedier and more professional and also cut down on errors in contracts.

"What we're trying to do is vastly improve the customer experience," Dahlheim told Automotive News. "We're big enough now that we can actually do it."

VW Credit, which finances Volkswagen and Audi vehicles, signed 404,947 contracts in 2012, up 28 percent. It ended the year with a record $23 billion in assets.

Five dealerships are trying the e-contracting system in a pilot project. VW Credit plans to release the software to dealers in some states by the end of 2013 and plans to have ink signatures eradicated "after 2014," Dahlheim said.

Signing the forms electronically may yield some savings, but that was not the impetus behind VW Credit's investment. The driver was the J.D. Power and Associates customer satisfaction survey, which shows that one of buyers' biggest pet peeves is waiting inside the F&I office and signing reams of paper.

"We do see efficiencies in that process," Dahlheim said of paperless contracting. "But that's not the driver. The driver is the customer experience."

'It's a nightmare'

Luyckx: Biggest hurdles are titles and tags.

Open Dealer Exchange, a joint venture between ADP Dealer Services Inc. and Reynolds and Reynolds Co., is helping VW Credit go paperless.

Open Dealer Exchange, near Detroit, already has helped the captive arms of BMW and Mercedes-Benz with contract validation software, which electronically sends a contract to the finance company for review before the customer signs it.

When it comes to improving the customer experience in the F&I office, the biggest obstacle still is digitizing applications for titles and tags. The process varies widely from state to state, making it difficult to come up with a standard procedure, said Steve Luyckx, general manager of Open Dealer Exchange.

"It's a nightmare," he said.

Those forms have stymied other companies trying to digitize the car-buying process, such as AutoNation Inc., the largest U.S. dealership group.

"We were able to master every issue except title work," CEO Mike Jackson told Automotive News during an interview last year. "We can't. It's so Byzantine and bizarre that you can't do it centrally. The idiosyncrasies from legal entity to legal entity are mind-boggling."

He added: "We haven't been able to do it. And I gave up trying. I surrendered. And I don't give up easy."

Dahlheim says Volkswagen and Audi buyers also may need to sign loan applications on paper initially for legal reasons.

VW Credit's system will have a "backstop" to let dealers scan and submit any forms that customers must sign in ink.

Optional, for now

VW Credit will not require Volkswagen and Audi dealers to use the new e-contracting software, at least for the time being. Plans for the rollout were discussed with dealers last month during the National Automobile Dealers Association convention in Orlando.

Dealers will choose whether to buy electronic signature pads, iPads and other needed equipment, Dahlheim said. VW Credit also says dealers will be able to continue using dealership management systems provided by both ADP and Reynolds and Reynolds because the new paperless contracting features will be integrated into software provided by both companies.

Brad Strong, a Salt Lake City dealer who owns Volkswagen and Audi stores with his brother, Blake, says he is considering doing more of the F&I process electronically to cut down on paperwork.

He used to keep all of his contracts in a storage room. When it ran out of space, Strong bought a used shipping container on the Internet and placed it behind one of the dealerships. It is a pain, he said, but the alternative also has risks.

"I'm still a little leery about storing all the papers," Strong said. "But it scares me a little bit, the idea of not having a hard copy. Computers crash, or they're not backed up right, or you're relying on an employee to scan both sides of a piece of paper."

Amy Wilson contributed to this report

Why go paperless?

VW Credit wants its dealers to start using e-contracting, in which signatures on a tablet can take the place of paperwork.
It could help the captive lender
? Review contracts more quickly and with fewer errors
? Improve customer satisfaction scores
? Use less labor reviewing paper documents

You can reach Gabe Nelson at


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Wall Street ends flat on late buying, Cyprus woes linger

By Rodrigo Campos

NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. stocks rebounded from early declines to close little changed on Wednesday, but investors were still worried about the chance of a run on Cypriot banks and its possible implications for other euro-zone lenders.

Financial shares fell on both sides of the Atlantic on concerns that depositors at banks in other euro-zone countries will withdraw large amounts of money. Investors are worried that the Cyprus bailout would become a template for solving banking crises in the region.

The S&P 500 fell 0.8 percent in morning trading, but in line with recent market behavior, investors took the drop as a buying opportunity. By the close, late buying had helped the S&P 500 cut most of the session's losses to end down less than a point.

The benchmark S&P 500 has traded within 10 points of its record closing high for 13 consecutive days, without once moving above the 1,565.15 level set October 9, 2007. It is on track to post its fifth consecutive month of gains.

"Any time you have a run like we've had, market participants will look for a reason to take profits," said Bruce Zaro, chief technical strategist at Delta Global Asset Management in Boston.

"But pauses in this uptrend have been short and shallow. Everybody seems to want to buy in the slightest pullback."

The KBW bank index <.bkx> fell 0.6 percent and a gauge of European banks' stocks <.sx7p> dropped 0.5 percent. The PHLX Europe sector index <.xex> declined 1.1 percent.

Cypriot banks are due to reopen on Thursday while limiting withdrawals, banning checks and curbing the use of Cypriot credit cards abroad, after being closed for almost two weeks. Uninsured deposits in Cyprus are expected to be reduced as part of the rescue deal.

The Dow Jones industrial average <.dji> fell 33.49 points or 0.23 percent, to 14,526.16 at the close. The S&P 500 <.spx> lost just 0.92 of a point, or 0.06 percent, to finish at 1,562.85. The Nasdaq Composite <.ixic> added 4.04 points or 0.12 percent, to close at 3,256.52.

Cliffs Natural Resources shares hit a four-year low of $17.95 after Morgan Stanley downgraded the miner's stock and Credit Suisse slashed its price target, citing difficulties from a surplus of iron ore pellets in the Great Lakes region.

Cliffs Natural Resources shares closed at $18.46, off 13.9 percent.

Gilead Sciences ended at a record high at $47.72, up 4.3 percent, after earlier reaching a lifetime intraday high at $47.83. Gilead's advance buoyed the Nasdaq Composite and helped the S&P 500 healthcare sector index <.spxhc> rise 0.5 percent as the best performer of the day.

Data showed contracts to buy previously owned U.S. homes fell in February, held back by a shortage of properties, but there was little to suggest that the housing market recovery was stalling.

The PHLX housing sector index <.hgx> edged up 0.12 percent.

Volume was light, with some market participants out for the observance of Passover.

About 5.1 billion shares changed hands on the New York Stock Exchange, the Nasdaq and NYSE MKT, one of the lowest volume levels so far this year, and far below the daily average so far this year of about 6.4 billion shares.

Advancers outnumbered decliners on the New York Stock Exchange by a ratio of about 8 to 7. On the Nasdaq, about 13 stocks fell for every 12 that rose.

(Reporting by Rodrigo Campos and Chuck Mikolajczak; Editing by Jan Paschal)


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RIM sells 1M BlackBerry 10s, surprise 4Q profit

TORONTO (AP) ? Research In Motion Ltd. said Thursday that it sold about 1 million phones running its new BlackBerry 10 system. It also surprised Wall Street by returning to profitability in the most recent quarter.

The earnings provide a first glimpse of how the BlackBerry 10 system, widely seen as crucial to the company's future, is selling internationally and in Canada since its debut Jan. 31. The 1 million new touch-screen BlackBerry Z10 phones were above the 915,000 that analysts had been expecting. Details on U.S. sales are not part of the fiscal fourth quarter's financial results because the Z10 just became available there last week, after the quarter ended.

In another sign of uncertainty, RIM lost about 3 million subscribers to end the quarter with 76 million. It's the second consecutive quarterly decline for RIM, whose subscriber based peaked at 80 million last summer.

Bill Kreyer, a tech analyst for Edward Jones, called the decline "pretty alarming."

"This is going to take a couple of quarters to really see how they are doing," Kreyer said.

The BlackBerry, pioneered in 1999, had been the dominant smartphone for on-the-go business people and other consumers before the iPhone debuted in 2007 and showed that phones can handle much more than email and phone calls. RIM faced numerous delays modernizing its operating system with the BlackBerry 10. During that time, it had to cut more than 5,000 jobs and saw shareholder wealth decline by more than $70 billion.

In the quarter that ended March 2, RIM earned $98 million, or 19 cents a share, compared with a loss of $125 million, or 24 cents a share, a year earlier. After adjusting for restructuring and other one-time items, RIM earned 22 cents a share. Analysts surveyed by FactSet had been expecting a loss of 31 cents.

Revenue fell 36 percent to $2.7 billion, from $4.2 billion. Analysts had expected $2.82 billion.

The company also announced that co-founder Mike Lazaridis will retire as vice chairman and director. He and Jim Balsillie had stepped down as co-CEOs in January 2012 after several quarters of disappointing results. Thorsten Heins, the chief operating officer, took over and spent the past year cutting costs and steering the company toward the launch of new BlackBerry 10 phones.

Investors appeared happy with the financial results. RIM's stock rose 27 cents, or 1.8 percent, to $14.84 in morning trading Thursday after the release of results.

"I thought they were dead. This is a huge turnaround," Jefferies analyst Peter Misek said from New York.

Misek said the Canadian company "demolished" the numbers, especially its gross margins. RIM reported gross margins of 40 percent, up from 34 percent a year earlier. The company credited higher average selling prices and higher margins for devices.

"This is a really, really good result," Misek said. "It's off to a good start."

The new BlackBerry 10 phones are redesigned for the new multimedia, Internet browsing and apps experience that customers are now demanding.

The Z10 has received favorable reviews since its release, but the launch in the critical U.S. market was delayed until late this month as wireless carriers completed their testing.

A version with a physical keyboard, called the Q10, won't be released in the U.S. for two or three more months. The delay in selling the Q10 complicates RIM's efforts to hang on to customers tempted by the iPhone and a range of devices running Google Inc.'s Android operating system. Even as the BlackBerry has fallen behind rivals in recent years, many users have stayed loyal because they prefer a physical keyboard over the touch screen on the iPhone and most Android devices.

RIM, which is changing is formal name to BlackBerry, said it expects to break even in the current quarter despite increasing spending on marketing by 50 percent compared with the previous quarter.

"To say it was a very challenging environment to deliver improved financial results could well be the understatement of the year," Heins said during a conference call with analysts.

Heins said more than half of the people buying the touch-screen Z10 were switching from rival systems. The company didn't provide details or specify whether those other systems were all smartphones. He said the Q10 will sell well among the existing BlackBerry user base. It's expected in some markets in April, but not in the U.S. until May or June.

Associated Press


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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

'White House Down' Trailer: Watch Channing Tatum Save The President!

Jamie Foxx as the prez is on the run from military invaders in the sneak peek.
By Driadonna Roland

Channing Tatum in "White House Down"
Photo: Columbia Pictures


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Astronomers discover new kind of supernova

Mar. 26, 2013 ? Supernovae were always thought to occur in two main varieties. But a team of astronomers including Carnegie's Wendy Freedman, Mark Phillips and Eric Persson is reporting the discovery of a new type of supernova called Type Iax.

This research has been accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal.

Previously, supernovae were divided into either core-collapse or Type Ia categories. Core-collapse supernovae are the explosion of a star about 10 to 100 times as massive as our sun. Type Ia supernovae are the complete disruption of a tiny white dwarf.

This new type, Iax, is fainter and less energetic than Type Ia. Although both types come from exploding white dwarfs, Type Iax supernovas may not completely destroy the white dwarf. "A Type Iax supernova is essentially a mini supernova," says lead author Ryan Foley, Clay Fellow at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA). "It's the runt of the supernova litter."

The research team--which also included Max Stritzinger, formerly of Carnegie--identified 25 examples of the new type of supernova. None of them appeared in elliptical galaxies, which are filled with old stars. This suggests that Type Iax supernovas come from young star systems.

Based on a variety of observational data, the team concluded that a Type Iax supernova comes from a binary star system containing a white dwarf and a companion star that has lost its outer hydrogen, leaving it helium dominated. The white dwarf collects helium from the normal star.

Researchers aren't sure what triggers a Type Iax. It's possible that the outer helium layer ignites first, sending a shock wave into the white dwarf. Alternatively, the white dwarf might ignite first due to the influence of the overlying helium shell.

Either way, it appears that in many cases the white dwarf survives the explosion, unlike in a Type Ia supernova where the white dwarf is completely destroyed.

The team calculates that Type Iax supernovae are about a third as common as Type Ia supernovae. The reason so few have been detected is that the faintest are only one-hundredth as bright as a Type Ia supernova.

"The closer we look, the more ways we find for stars to explode," Phillips said.

The Large Synoptic Survey Telescope could discover thousands of Type Iax supernovas over its lifetime.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Carnegie Institution.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Ryan J. Foley, P. J. Challis, R. Chornock, M. Ganeshalingam, W. Li, G. H. Marion, N. I. Morrell, G. Pignata, M. D. Stritzinger, J. M. Silverman, X. Wang, J. P. Anderson, A. V. Filippenko, W. L. Freedman, M. Hamuy, S. W. Jha, R. P. Kirshner, C. McCully, S. E. Persson, M. M. Phillips, D. E. Reichart, A. M. Soderberg. Type Iax Supernovae: A New Class of Stellar Explosion. The Astrophysical Journal, 2013; 767 (1): 57 DOI: 10.1088/0004-637X/767/1/57

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Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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President Obama Criticized for Designating New National Monuments

President Obama today unilaterally designated five new national monuments, sparking criticism from at least one Republican who is questioning the timing and cost of the decision.

Obama used his executive authority under the Antiquities Act to create Rio Grande del Norte National Monument in New Mexico; First State National Monument in Delaware; Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad National Monument in Maryland; Charles Young Buffalo Soldiers National Monument in Ohio; and San Juan Islands National Monument in Washington state.

"These sites honor the pioneering heroes, spectacular landscapes and rich history that have shaped our extraordinary country," Obama said in a written statement. "By designating these national monuments today, we will ensure they will continue to inspire and be enjoyed by generations of Americans to come."

In a statement released Friday, House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings, R-Wash., criticized Obama for "unilaterally ordering the National Park Service to spend scarce dollars" while the nation faces harsh budget cuts as a result of the sequester.

"The Obama administration not only sees the sequester as an opportunity to make automatic spending reductions as painful as possible on the American people, it's also a good time for the president to dictate under a century-old law that the government spend money it doesn't have on property it doesn't even own," he said in the statement, which was recirculated today by House Speaker John Boehner's office.

"Over one hundred years ago the Antiquities Act was passed to allow a president to act when there was an emergency need to prevent destruction of a precious place - yet President Obama is acting on simple whim as no imminent threat of destruction or harm is posed at any of these five locations," Hastings added.

In response, the White House said the designations will have a positive, stimulative impact on the local economies and are an important way to commemorate the country's history.

"It's my understanding ? that a lot of the land for these new national monuments was either land that was already owned by the federal government or it was donated," Deputy White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest told reporters. "And in terms of the immediate costs, in terms of the management of the land, I think they're pretty minimal in the early stages."

According to a 2006 National Parks and Conservation Association study circulated by the White House, each federal dollar invested in national parks generates at least four dollars of economic value to the public.

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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Glance: Other Russians whose deaths have rocked UK

FILE - In this Wednesday, March, 10, 2010 file photo, self-exiled oligarch Boris Berezovsky leaves the High Court in London after winning his libel case against a Russian broadcaster that accused him of masterminding the murder of a former Russian agent in London. Russia?s transition from a Kremlin-controlled economy to a free market in the 1990s brought on a wave of contract killings as criminals, entrepreneurs, and corrupt officials tried muscle each other out of lucrative businesses. The recent death of 67-year old Boris Berezovsky, which remains unexplained, has revived fears that the assassins that have long stalked oligarchs and opposition figures back in Russia have been making their home in the U.K. (AP Photo/Alastair Grant, File)

FILE - In this Wednesday, March, 10, 2010 file photo, self-exiled oligarch Boris Berezovsky leaves the High Court in London after winning his libel case against a Russian broadcaster that accused him of masterminding the murder of a former Russian agent in London. Russia?s transition from a Kremlin-controlled economy to a free market in the 1990s brought on a wave of contract killings as criminals, entrepreneurs, and corrupt officials tried muscle each other out of lucrative businesses. The recent death of 67-year old Boris Berezovsky, which remains unexplained, has revived fears that the assassins that have long stalked oligarchs and opposition figures back in Russia have been making their home in the U.K. (AP Photo/Alastair Grant, File)

FILE - In this Friday, May 10, 2002 file photo Alexander Litvinenko, former KGB spy and author of the book "Blowing Up Russia: Terror From Within", is photographed at his home in London. Russia?s transition from a Kremlin-controlled economy to a free market in the 1990s brought on a wave of contract killings as criminals, entrepreneurs, and corrupt officials tried muscle each other out of lucrative businesses. The recent death of 67-year old Boris Berezovsky, which remains unexplained, has revived fears that the assassins that have long stalked oligarchs and opposition figures back in Russia have been making their home in the U.K. Litvinenko, a former KGB agent turned fierce critic of the Kremlin, died after ingesting polonium secreted inside his tea at a London hotel in 2006.(AP Photo/Alistair Fuller, File)

FILE - In this Feb. 2006 file photo Georgian oligarch Badri Patarkatsishvili smiles in Tbilisi. Russia?s transition from a Kremlin-controlled economy to a free market in the 1990s brought on a wave of contract killings as criminals, entrepreneurs, and corrupt officials tried muscle each other out of lucrative businesses. The recent death of 67-year old Boris Berezovsky, which remains unexplained, has revived fears that the assassins that have long stalked oligarchs and opposition figures back in Russia have been making their home in the U.K. Patarkatsishvili, an associate and confidant of Berezovsky?s, died in his mansion in southern England in February 2008, succumbing to heart failure. (AP Photo/Shakh Aivazov, file)

(AP) ? Russia's transition from a Kremlin-controlled economy to a free market free-for-all in the 1990s brought on a wave of contract killings as criminals, entrepreneurs and corrupt officials tried to muscle each other out of lucrative businesses. The death of 67-year-old Boris Berezovsky ? who died from hanging at his home, according to initial post mortem examinations ? has raised questions about the safety of oligarchs as opposition figures back in Russia have been making the United Kingdom their home.

Here are some other U.K. incidents involving figures from ? or involved with ? the former Soviet Union:


Litvinenko, a former KGB agent turned fierce critic of the Kremlin, died after ingesting polonium in his tea at a London hotel in 2006. His family blames the Russian state for orchestrating his death, and British authorities have named former KGB officer and Russian lawmaker Andrei Lugovoi as their chief suspect. The Kremlin ? and Lugovoi ? deny being behind the poisoning, which drew headlines worldwide. Perhaps mindful of Litvinenko's experience, British police called in a hazardous materials team to examine Berezovsky's home. They later declared the property clear of hazardous materials.


Patarkatsishvili, an associate and confidant of Berezovsky's, died in his mansion in southern England in February 2008. Police initially said his death appeared suspicious but authorities later ruled the 52-year-old billionaire had succumbed to heart failure. Patarkatsishvili was active in Georgian politics, retained a small army of bodyguards, and often said he feared he would be targeted in an assassination attempt.


Perepilichnyy was found dead outside his plush home in southern England in November 2012. He had been in possession of documents which allegedly blew the lid off a massive Russian tax fraud involving dirty money being funneled into Swiss bank accounts. Post-mortem examinations have so far failed to determine how the 44-year-old died. In a recent report, the BBC said he had had a checkup and was given a clean bill of health only months before his death.


Described by author Mark Hollingsworth as "the lawyer who knew too much," Curtis died when his helicopter crashed in poor weather on its way to his 19th-century retreat in southern England in March 2004. Investigators ruled the crash was an accident, but Curtis was a big player in the murky world of Russian banking and had recently been receiving death threats.


Russian businessman Gorbuntsov was shot six times in London's Canary Wharf financial district in March 2011. Gorbuntsov ? who survived ? blames disgruntled business associates for the attack. So far no one has been brought to justice.

Associated Press


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Monday, March 25, 2013

How to Achieve A healthy and balanced pregnancy | Home ...

A healthy and balanced maternity is obtained by complying with a healthy routine of diet, exercise and vitamins previously, throughout and after the child is born, reports the U.S. Division of Health and Human Solutions. Indications of healthy antenatal advancement can be determined in the 3 phases of the maternity throughout the 38 to 40 weeks of gestation. The weeks are grouped into trimesters, balancing regarding 13 weeks each.


The menstrual circulation discontinues and hormone modifications start to take place during the very first 12 weeks of the pregnancy. Females could anticipate regular signs that could feature nausea, fatigue and state of mind swings. Several ladies long for different meals or establish a disapproval of other previously favorite meals during a healthy maternity. Pyrosis ( heartburn ), puffy breasts and constipation should be anticipated. Every woman does not experience serious adjustments in meals preferences and physical distress nonetheless. Some ladies could merely gain a little weight, while others even drop a couple of pounds in the first trimester. Regular fetus advancement depends on a healthy and balanced very first trimester, record medical professionals at the College of Virginia Medical. The majority of symptoms decrease or disappear in the second trimester.

Second Trimester

As many of the uneasy signs go away in the 13th week, others take their place. In a healthy pregnancy, most ladies start to show, with the abdominal areas broadening to accommodate the growing unborn child. Physique pains in the back, thighs and abdominal areas could be much more pronounced. The skin around the nipples darkens and dark skin areas could show up on the forehead, cheeks, nose or upper lip. Carpel tunnel syndrome, characterized by a tingling feeling in the hands is an usual indicator in a healthy and balanced pregnancy. Women ought to begin to feel motion from the growing infant during the second trimester.

Third Trimester

As the child expands, putting added stress on the bladder, women find they should pee much more regularly throughout the third trimester. The majority of ladies at a healthy and balanced weight ought to anticipate to acquire between 25 and 35 pounds by the third trimester, report physicians at the Mayo Clinic. During a healthy and balanced third trimester, the cervix will become softer and thinner and the baby might go down, all in groundwork for birth.

A healthy maternity is achieved by adhering to a healthy plan of diet plan, workout and vitamins in the past, during and after the child is born, states the USA Department of Wellness and Human Solutions. Signs of healthy and balanced antenatal development may be measured in the 3 phases of the pregnancy throughout the 38 to 40 weeks of gestation. Typical unborn child development depends on a healthy and balanced first trimester, record doctors at the College of Virginia Medical. Most females at a healthy and balanced weight should anticipate to gain in between 25 and 35 pounds by the third trimester, report medical professionals at the Mayo Center. During a healthy and balanced third trimester, the cervix will certainly come to be softer and thinner and the infant may drop, all in groundwork for birth.

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Foxconn posts record profits namely due to Apple's expanding and harder to manufacture product lines

Foxconn posts record profits namely due to Apple's expanding product lines

Foxconn, also known as Hon Hai, has posted record profits for its fourth quarter which amounted to NT$37 billion ($1.2 billion), a 5.6% increase, which surpassed analyst estimates of NT$35.9 billion. A majority of that increase can be contributed to Apple's expanding product lines and the cost involved in manufacturing, particularly when it comes to the iPhone 5.

Last quarter Apple released several new products including the iPhone 5, iPod touch 5th generation, and iPad mini. All have come with their own production and manufacturing challenges. The iPhone 5 specifically has not only had scuffing and scratching issues but has much higher costs associated with production. According to Bloomberg, Foxconn has solved most of the bottlenecks and production issues, which gives them a little more negotiating room with Apple.

?As they scaled up production of the iPhone and solved production bottlenecks, Hon Hai?s profit margins improved and they may have had some room to push Apple for better pricing,? said Vincent Chen, who rates the stock buy at Yuanta Financial Holding Co. in Taipei.

The iPhone 5 and iPod touch 5th generation both contain a fused front panel assembly that was probably one bottleneck when it comes to production. Not only are these panels expensive themselves, they require a much more fine tuned production process which heightens the cost involved in producing them. Black (or slate in Apple's case), it also a harder color to anodize and the attention to detail and quality control was heightened by Apple after many users complained of the coating nicking and chipping away easier than it should.

Assembly issues, particularly with the iPhone 5 is most likely another reason that Foxconn is fetching a higher price tag from Apple to assemble them. For those that have pulled apart an iPhone 5 or an iPad mini, you'll notice that given its thin design, cables and components are enclosed in a much tighter space and leave much less room for error when it comes to quality control.

Hon Hai?s own gross margin, which measures the ratio of sales less cost of goods sold, climbed to a three-year high of 9.58 percent in the fourth quarter, from 8.89 percent a year earlier and 9.54 percent in the prior period.

That implies it is getting more from customers such as Apple to manufacture devices, continuing a trend of rising margins that began last year and which reversed almost a decade of thinning profit ratios.

More intricately put together products such as the iPhone 5, iPod touch 5th generation, retina MacBook Pro, and others most likely contribute greatly to the cost of manufacturing, explaining the increase on Foxconn's end. It will be interesting to see where profits go once demand is met within the current product cycle and new products start rolling out the door from Apple. Will they face the same manufacturing woes and will Foxconn be able to continuously obtain a premium to overcome them?

Source: Bloomberg


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Mathematical butterflies provide insight into how insects fly

Mathematical butterflies provide insight into how insects fly [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 25-Mar-2013
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Contact: Catherine Meyers
American Institute of Physics

In Robert A. Heinlein's science-fiction novel, The Cat Who Walks Through Walls, one of the characters states that butterflies are just "self-propelled flowers." While Heinlein's description of the insect's aerodynamic ability is quite poetic, it does little to scientifically explain it. Four Japanese researchers have done a bit better by developing sophisticated numerical simulations of a butterfly's forward flight. In a paper in the American Institute of Physics' journal Physics of Fluids, the researchers describe how they mathematically modeled a butterfly as a four-link rigid-body system consisting of a thorax (the segment of the insect to which the wings are attached), an abdomen, and the two wings.

Using data from observations of butterfly flight in wind tunnels, the researchers conducted three different types of simulations with their model that were defined by the position and attitude of the thorax: tethered (where the thorax is fixed), prescribed (where the thorax is programmed to move in an expected manner) and free-flight (where the thorax movement is unrestricted). They found that their mathematical butterfly did as predicted make use of the tiny, swirling vortices that form in the direction of travel during a downward flap, pushing air down and providing lift. However, they also observed that the flow around the butterfly is much more turbulent than expected. This turbulent flow triggers the complex trajectories characteristic to the flights of butterflies that may be one of the strategies by which the insects avoid predators.

Finally, the researchers determined that the pitching angle of the thorax is the key to controlled periodic flight, noting that living butterflies likely can continually sense the attitude of their thorax and adjust their flapping motion accordingly to ensure stability. The researchers state that their future work will focus on identifying the mechanism by which this control is achieved.


Article: "Aerodynamic forces and vortical structures in flapping butterfly's forward flight," is published in Physics of Fluids.


Authors: Naoto Yokoyama (1), Kei Senda (1), Makoto Iima (2), and Norio Hirai (3).

(1) Kyoto University (Kyoto, Japan)

(2) Hiroshima University (Higashi-Hiroshima, Japan)

(3) Osaka Prefecture University (Sakai, Japan)

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

Mathematical butterflies provide insight into how insects fly [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 25-Mar-2013
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Contact: Catherine Meyers
American Institute of Physics

In Robert A. Heinlein's science-fiction novel, The Cat Who Walks Through Walls, one of the characters states that butterflies are just "self-propelled flowers." While Heinlein's description of the insect's aerodynamic ability is quite poetic, it does little to scientifically explain it. Four Japanese researchers have done a bit better by developing sophisticated numerical simulations of a butterfly's forward flight. In a paper in the American Institute of Physics' journal Physics of Fluids, the researchers describe how they mathematically modeled a butterfly as a four-link rigid-body system consisting of a thorax (the segment of the insect to which the wings are attached), an abdomen, and the two wings.

Using data from observations of butterfly flight in wind tunnels, the researchers conducted three different types of simulations with their model that were defined by the position and attitude of the thorax: tethered (where the thorax is fixed), prescribed (where the thorax is programmed to move in an expected manner) and free-flight (where the thorax movement is unrestricted). They found that their mathematical butterfly did as predicted make use of the tiny, swirling vortices that form in the direction of travel during a downward flap, pushing air down and providing lift. However, they also observed that the flow around the butterfly is much more turbulent than expected. This turbulent flow triggers the complex trajectories characteristic to the flights of butterflies that may be one of the strategies by which the insects avoid predators.

Finally, the researchers determined that the pitching angle of the thorax is the key to controlled periodic flight, noting that living butterflies likely can continually sense the attitude of their thorax and adjust their flapping motion accordingly to ensure stability. The researchers state that their future work will focus on identifying the mechanism by which this control is achieved.


Article: "Aerodynamic forces and vortical structures in flapping butterfly's forward flight," is published in Physics of Fluids.


Authors: Naoto Yokoyama (1), Kei Senda (1), Makoto Iima (2), and Norio Hirai (3).

(1) Kyoto University (Kyoto, Japan)

(2) Hiroshima University (Higashi-Hiroshima, Japan)

(3) Osaka Prefecture University (Sakai, Japan)

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.


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Twitter Ad Agency: Gimmick or Genius?

The digital media world is all about real-time marketing these days. It would only stand to reason there?s now an agency for that.

World?s Fastest Agency?is?a new virtual agency that purports to be, as the name suggests, the world?s fastest agency. It was started by Floyd Hayes, a former creative director at Cunning. Hayes took his over decade of agency experience to create his own creative consulting business in New York, which led Hayes to the creation of WFA. Hayes noticed the shift towards immediacy and speed in marketing and wanted to create a agency that would better facilitate this new model.

?The nature of media and how people are interacting with it is changing constantly?everything is speeding up,? said Hayes.??Clients are asking questions about ?real time media,? and agencies have to be faster and leaner or risk losing?relevancy.?

Of course the obvious question is whether this is just a gimmick. Hayes insists it is not, Clients must first pay a fee of $999 via Paypal, then follow ?@FastestAgency in order to then DM their creative brief in 140 characters. Haye?s will respond within 24 hours with a creative pitch, which is of course 140 characters or less.

?Clients can say goodbye to 100-page PowerPoint decks, meetings, weeks of fee negotiation, countless emails, more meetings, lunch, meetings, scope of work to-ing and fro-ing, meetings, more emails, Q&A sessions, tissue meetings, inaudible conference call, pitch, feedback, feedback on the feedback, re-briefing, re-pitching, another meeting, more feedback, focus groups, another meeting, more emails.?

One thing is for sure: clients will pay attention to anyone who wants to do things quicker and cheaper. Doing everything over Twitter forces both parties to be direct, succinct, focused, and most of all, fast. And, as Hayes noted, it?s less expensive for everyone involved. Hayes has a network of people that he knows and trusts from his years in the industry who he taps if and when necessary, depending on the brief. According to Haye?s WFA got its first client within six hours of launching, which resulted in an experiential PR stunt.

The fly in the ointment: WFA doesn?t actually do the creative work, it just supplies the plan. It?s up to clients to use their own incumbent agents or send out a RFP. ?That?s going to take time ? and probably reworking of the idea. Hayes will happily, at no extra charge, refer clients a production partner if they don?t have their own resources. Hayes is enthusiastic about WFA?s new agency model, but he?s not delusional about it being the model of the future.

?We?re just another way to engage a service ? there is room for many models. Smart clients use many?different?methods to solve?their?marketing?communication challenges.?

?Image via Shutterstock


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Syrian opposition plunges into disarray

FILE - In this Thursday, Feb. 28, 2013 file photo, Syrian opposition coalition leader Mouaz al-Khatib speaks during a press conference with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, not pictured, following an international conference on Syria at Villa Madama, Rome. The leader of the Western-based Syrian opposition coalition has resigned, citing frustrations with the body's ability to advance the fight against President Bashar Assad. Khatib said in a statement posted on his Facebook page Sunday that he would continue to serve the opposition's cause outside of the "the official institutions." (AP Photo/Riccardo De Luca, File)

FILE - In this Thursday, Feb. 28, 2013 file photo, Syrian opposition coalition leader Mouaz al-Khatib speaks during a press conference with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, not pictured, following an international conference on Syria at Villa Madama, Rome. The leader of the Western-based Syrian opposition coalition has resigned, citing frustrations with the body's ability to advance the fight against President Bashar Assad. Khatib said in a statement posted on his Facebook page Sunday that he would continue to serve the opposition's cause outside of the "the official institutions." (AP Photo/Riccardo De Luca, File)

(AP) ? Syria's opposition plunged into disarray Sunday as its president quit and its military chief refused to recognize the newly elected prime minister of an interim government for rebel-held areas.

The moves reflected deep splits in the body the U.S. and its allies hope will emerge as the united face of the opposition and advance the fight to topple President Bashar Assad's regime.

The missteps of the opposition's mostly exile political leadership drew little notice inside Syria, where rebel fighters dismissed it as ineffective and pushed ahead with their offensive to gain ground near the country's southern border with Jordan. Nearby, the Israeli military in the Golan Heights responded to fire by shooting back at targets inside Syria.

The first blow to the opposition Syrian National Coalition was the surprise resignation of its president, who said he was quitting in frustration over what he called lack of international support and constraints imposed by the body itself.

Mouaz al-Khatib, who rose to prominence as a preacher in Damascus' most famous mosque, said in a statement posted on his Facebook page that he was making good on an earlier vow to quit if undefined "red lines" were crossed.

"I am keeping my promise today and announcing my resignation from the National Coalition so that I can work with freedom that is not available inside the official institutions," he said.

He also blamed world powers for not offering Syria's rebels the support they demand and complained that "international and regional parties" tried to push the Coalition toward negotiations with the Assad regime ? something most members refuse.

"All that has happened to the Syrian people ? from destruction of infrastructure, to the arrest of tens of thousands, to the displacement of hundreds of thousands, to other tragedies ? is not enough for an international decision to allow the Syrian people to defend themselves," the statement said.

Despite electing a new, U.S.-educated prime minister last week to head a planned interim government, the Coalition has failed to make much of a mark inside Syria, where hundreds of independent rebel brigades are fighting a civil war against Assad's forces.

Reflecting the growing dissension over that move, the head of the Coalition's military branch, Gen. Salim Idris, said his group refused to recognize the new prime minister, a little-known IT professional from Texas, because he lacked broad support among the opposition.

"For the purpose of giving power to a prime minister to unite the revolutionary forces and lead the Syrian revolution toward certain victory, we unequivocally declare that the Free Syrian Army ... conditions its support and cooperation on the achievement of a political agreement on the name of a prime minister," Idris said in an online video.

An aide to Idris, Louay Almokdad, said many prominent Syrian opposition figures opposed the election of Ghassan Hitto, who received 35 out of 48 votes cast by the Coalition's 63 active members.

While al-Khatib's resignation surprised many Coalition members, some said it reflected problems that have caused five other members to resign in the past week.

Coalition member Rima Fleihan told The Associated Press in Cairo that the body did not accurately represent Syrians.

"We have problems internally with the structure of the Coalition and decisions being taken undemocratically," she said.

Another recently resigned member, Walid al-Bunni, accused the Gulf state of Qatar, which heavily finances the opposition, of using pressure to install its candidate for prime minister. Others have accused the Muslim Brotherhood of exercising outsized influence.

Late Sunday, the Coalition distributed a statement saying it had rejected the resignation and asked al-Khatib to keep doing his job.

Secretary of State John Kerry said he regretted al-Khatib's resignation, but said it won't affect U.S. aid to the Coalition.

Speaking to reporters during an unannounced trip to Baghdad, Kerry also said he had confronted Iraq, Syria's eastern neighbor, about allowing Iran access to its airspace for flights the U.S. believes are ferrying in weapons and fighters to the Assad regime.

In a small victory for the opposition, senior Arab diplomats said they would transfer Syria's seat at the Arab League to the Coalition. The Syrian government's membership was suspended earlier in the crisis. The Coalition said it would send a delegation to a league summit that begins Tuesday in Qatar.

The Syrian government, which contends the civil war is an international conspiracy being carried out by terrorists to weaken Syria, did not comment on the Coalition developments. Instead, it hosted a "National Dialogue Forum" in Damascus that included none of the forces seeking Assad's ouster.

Few of the rebels inside Syria paid any attention to the exile opposition's problems, saying the Coalition had never done much for them anyway.

"All this stuff that happens outside never makes any difference to us," rebel fighter Firas Filefleh said via Skype from the northern province of Idlib. He said he and his colleagues respect al-Khatib as a religious figure but that he and the Coalition were ineffective.

"The Coalition has never made any difference for the fighting brigades," he said. "They brought some flour and some canned goods but have never done more than that."

Filefleh said he had no opinion of Hitto and said he had never heard of Gen. Idris, who purports to be the rebels' highest military leader.

Late Sunday, the Coalition circulated videos it said showed Hitto during his first visit to Syria since his election. The videos showed Hitto in a sport coat and jeans, shaking hands in an unnamed town in Aleppo province.

Meanwhile, rebels tried to advance their campaign to gain ground along the southern border with Jordan.

Since last summer, the opposition has seized large swathes of land near the Turkish and Iraqi borders to the north and east, and has used them to organize and build supply lines.

Victory in the south could allow them to do the same there. They have recently seized army checkpoints along a 15-mile (25-kilometer) strip of the border. The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said rebels clashed Sunday with forces at a checkpoint and military base in the area.

Also Sunday, Israel's military said soldiers on patrol in the Golan Heights were fired upon and responded by firing back into Syria. It did not say if the Syrian fire was from rebels or the government.

Rebels have been making gains on the Syrian side of the Golan Heights, a strategic plateau that Israel captured from Syria in the 1967 Mideast war and later annexed.

The U.N. says more than 70,000 people have been killed since Syria's crisis began in March 2011.


Associated Press reporters Aya Batrawy in Cairo, Matthew Lee in Baghdad and Albert Aji in Damascus, Syria, and Abdullah Rebhy in Doha, Qatar, contributed reporting.

Associated Press


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