Tuesday, March 19, 2013

HEALTH MYTHS | Jason Christoff's Blog

Everyone wants to be healthy. No one gets up in the morning and declares that they?ll dedicate the next couple years to the pursuit of weight gain and disease acquisition. Everyone has the best intentions for themselves in regards to how they look, their weight and their state of health yet today we see obesity rates hitting close to 35% and ?overweight? rates closing in on 70%.

This occurs for many reasons but one of the biggest is the refusal of the mainstream media, conventional medicine and key governmental bodies to stand down on many foundational health myths. It?s obvious the outdated health claims I?m going to discuss are indeed myths because when you apply them directly into your life your health gets worse and your weight often increases (if not skyrockets).

It doesn?t matter which over-schooled person declares that? ?so and so? is healthy for you, your body is always going to give you the final ruling on the issue. The truth is not owned by science or a group of scientists or a medical journal or me for that matter. We as a society have been hypnotized into a deep coma by science, medical journals and the fictitious hierarchy of education that often makes us take orders from science without giving anything science declares a second thought. Basically if science is in charge of our health care system, why aren?t we permitted to take science to task for its? disastrous health outcomes over the past 50 years?

Are we brave enough, as a society, to consider that science is the wrong alter to be praying at and that our health can only improve with support/love and not attacking/poisoning and organ removal/replacement? Are we brave enough to see that attacking ourselves with processed foods, alcohol and excessive life expectations is the primary cause of our initial dysfunction and disease states.

If we?re brave enough to look that issue in the eye, can we then dare understand that attacking that initial disease state with toxic medications, more processed foods and? surgeries only makes our health worse and furthers our societal collapse? If we aren?t brave enough to look at the hard issues, our society will collapse guaranteed and we?ll be plunged back into the dark ages in order to start again.

There are concrete reasons why ideas that increase negative outcomes are fortified instead of dismantled inside our present society. One reason is the amount of people employed within the dysfunctional systems. It would appear systems that don?t work are now the norm and instead of trying to always correct the systems that are literally uncorrectable we need to investigate why most people take comfort in the status quo, even though it?s not serving them what so ever.

We also need to understand that all civilizations in history have collapsed when they?ve refused to address cultural systems that fail to produce the results they were designed for.

It may be brash to come out and say such things but today our justice system often subverts justice, our conventional health care system produces additional disease, our economic system produces an outcome that only favors the people who already have excess monetary resources and our political system has been hijacked by big business and no longer serves the interests of the common person. Our education system is priming the children to accept the current dysfunction that?s literally stealing their ability to contribute productively inside a fair and equitable society.

Basically there?s a couple thousand people who do benefit from our current dysfunctional systems in Canada but about 30 million suffer unnecessarily. There?s not a lot of time left for anyone on both sides of the fence to make changes before it?s too late. One side can drink, eat and smoke themselves into an early grave?and the rich can celebrate like the world is their oyster but it?s all going to come to a screeching halt for everyone unless we look at where all the dysfunction is really coming from. We need to pull the dysfunction out from the root.

Tune in next article where I review the top health myths that are causing most of the disease and obesity in our society today.


Source: http://www.jchristoff.com/health-myths/

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